July 13, 2009

Jared & Kylie

Aren't these two so cute! I love to see how excited Kylie gets when Jared walks in the door. She loves her daddy so much and has such cute little things she always does with him- for example, whenever Jared is eating she climbs up on his lap and has to steal a few bites (even if she just ate), or whenever Jared is sitting on the ground Kylie will go behind him and put her arms around his neck, begging for a piggy back ride. So adorable!! :)


Stefani Bellows said...

Awww. Two adorable faces that is for sure. I never noticed how much Kylie looks like Jared until I saw these pics.

Kathy said...

your kids are getting so big! Nothing like a daddy daughter bond...

Kirsti said...

Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog! I keep forgetting to ask you! It's beautiful! What are your moving plans? We should get together and swim sometime :)

jaredandangela said...

Kylie looks just like you Stephenie! I can't believe it! Sooo, cute!

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Kylie is a mini-Steph! She is a beauty!

Emily Andrus said...

Kylie is getting so big! Too bad she and Sofia can't play together. Dads and daughters definitely have a special bond. I'm excited to follow your blog to see where you guys are headed next. Hope all is well!