May 21, 2007

Tyson's first plane ride

We made our first trip to Dallas as a family at the end of April. It was Tyson's first plane ride (if you don't count the plane ride we took when he was a few months old). Tyson and Devon did great! They especially loved the music they could listen to with the headsets we bought on the plane. We met Jared's parents in Texas and with the help of Stephenie's cousin that's a realtor, we found a beautiful home to rent while Jared is attending ortho school. We are so excited to finally get into a home! We were also able to spend lots of time with Stephenie's aunt, cousins and their families that live just a few miles away from where we will be moving. They are all so nice and Devon keeps asking me when he can see his new friends in Texas again.

The boys were so cute sleeping next to one another on the sofa bed at the hotel.

Here is Tyson playing baseball in the hotel room with the ball and bat that Grandma and Grandpa got for the boys. Tyson is really good at hitting the ball. As you can see in the picture, he always keeps his eye on the ball. :)

1 comment:

The Thomases said...

Devon and Tyson are so cute. We'll miss having Devon in Primary. He's made for a lot of good laughs!