May 31, 2007

Devon's Preschool Program

Devon's preschool class had an end of the year program last night. The kids said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the ABC's song, shared one of their favorite projects they had made this year and sang the Days of the Week song. Devon's job was to lead the Days of the Week song. The kids each received an award. Devon received an award for being a Terrific Student. They also displayed some of the projects that they had made this past month and then there were some yummy treats. I was very proud of Devon. We are sure lucky to have him in our lives! We are also lucky to have had such wonderful friends participating in our co-op preschool with us. We'll miss them lots when we move to Texas. Here are some pictures from the program.

Just before the Pledge of Allegiance started.

Devon when he was receiving his award for being a "Terrific Student"

The kids received these glasses (the program theme was "You're a Star!") and a Baskin Robins coupon with their award.


Morgan Moore said...

He's so darling! We are going to miss you guys. Call me & let me know if I can watch the kids while you pack or anything!


The Harry Herald said...

It's so fun to see all those little guys again! We miss you and wish you luck with the move!

Stefani Bellows said...

Hey guys! I love the preschool pics. It looks like a great set-up. So is Devon Mensa certified yet?!! We need an address to send a graduation present for Jared. Let me know! Thanks-Stef

Morgan Moore said...

Okay we are royally missing you guys.. we need an update :)